
Hi, I’m Julie

It’s so nice to meet you!

I’ve been in your shoes…        heels and flats, and I know how to help!

A little over a decade ago, I was struggling to find meaning and purpose in the middle of major life changes. My marriage of 28 years was ending, and so was the career I had built running a successful business with my spouse.  My sons were going to college… so much change!  I needed to figure out my future.  I was searching for a meaningful next chapter​​, but had no idea what that really looked like….or how to get there.

Providentially, I was introduced to personal coaching through Real Coaching Success. I had never heard of personal coaching before! While​ I was going through that​​ coaching experience, I simultaneously journeyed through the Your One Degree program at my church… both experiences were life changing.​ Not only do I experience​ joy and fulfillment, but I am helping other women experience the same thing.

It’s all about stewarding our lives well.  We are given this wonderful gift of life and God has purpose for each one of us.  In Matt 25:23, it says, “His master replied, well done, my good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”  

I would be extremely grateful & privileged​ to walk you through an inventory of your God-given gifts, a discovery of your dreams, and empower you to live the next chapter of your life with purpose in the same joy that comes from a clear stewardship of your unique calling.

Almost daily, I pinch myself that I can enter into my Father’s joy in the work I do each day! I want to move you toward​s your God-given potential, so that you feel joy, glorifying God with your gifts and talents.

  • Graduate of Oklahoma State University
  • Certified as a Leadership Coach in 2016 through Real Coaching Success
  • Certified as a Coach for Your One Degree Ministry in 2018
  • Certified as a Birkman® Coach in 2018
  • Certified as a Parent from Strengths Coach in 2021
  • Coached over 275+ women toward a most purposeful life

Values that shape my coaching- 


Intentional Listening

Really listening to you and concentrating on what you are saying is one of the most important details needed for coaching excellence.


There is great comfort in knowing that you feel safe and nothing you share will be repeated.


Loyalty and enthusiasm spill over into an immersive coaching experience with personalized service.

Naturally Curious

The giftings of my DESIGN have equipped me with an inquisitive ability and a great desire to ask extraordinary questions that will help you find the answers ahead for your life’s most meningful destination.

Truth and Grace

An understanding of knowing that when woman share and trust me, that there IS trust and also a grace given.


Offering an exceptional coaching experience by providing more than what is expected.

A Few of My Clients…

Can I add you to my list?

Say what?

Listen to what a few of my clients have to say

As a 30 + year professional and entrepreneur, I needed to make some changes. What seemed to be an external problem was an internal one. As Julie worked with me through YOD and then the Birkman© assessment, everything began to change—starting with my perspective. I saw myself, my story, and my abilities in a new light. Ideas and opportunities started to flood my mind—and my reality—and the best part is this: I am more aware of what makes me come alive and where I bring the most value to projects and customers.

Every step of the way, Julie held me accountable and remains a constant voice of clarity about what I’ve discovered and where I want to go.


Tulsa, Oklahoma

Before this experience,  it was very much who am I?  I do all these weird random things and I felt so upside down.  Like the wrong sizes of a puzzle– everything was facing wrong side up.  Half of the puzzle was done and it felf like a nightmare.

Now it’s fun to do this puzzle. I’m no longer confused about what I am good at and being in the wrong position.  Now, not only do I see from the past about myself, I can see the future and can harness things to move forward.

Doing YOD with Julie has forever changed my life.  It helped give me clarity, courage, direction & resources that I will use forever. I understand much more clearly how God made me and what the things are that He made has me to do. I feel much more prepared, stable, and happy in life because of my experience with Julie.

Coaching has given me an understanding of who God has made to be and how to start using the things He’s put inside of me.


Tulsa, Oklahoma

A lot of us feel like we can do it ourselves. Why would we need help? I can fix it myself, I can get unstuck myself. But I think they’re underestimating the opportunity to have someone come and help them look at their lives from a different angle.

When I was working with my coach Julie, I needed courage to say “yes” to a different turn in my path, which actually fits in with the gifts that I’ve been given. And, I think without really understanding how I have been designed, I wouldn’t have been able to make that step into the next stage of my life….so I’m thankful!”


New Zealand