
Your One Degree Coaching 


Together, we will walk through 12 private coaching sessions.  Our main objective will be to identify your God-given “DESIGN” which will give you a crystal-clear focus, so you can experience more joy, fulfillment and impact. My job is to guide you in your discoveries as you refine your view of who you really are.

Putting it all together, you will know your next steps as you embrace how you are internally wired, your divine assignment and what The Father has entrusted you with.

    Investment: $1,800 With your preference of a 3 month (once a week) or 6 month (once every two weeks) time frame.

    Your One Degree Coaching

    (10 Group Sessions)

    Gather with your friends or team once a week for 10 weeks in a committed and fun atmosphere to learn about yourself in a deeply thoughtful and purposeful way. Bonds are established as experiences are shared.

    The support of a group provides an authentic and inspiring experience with lasting friendships.

    Investment: $600 per person. Groups consist of 6 to 8 women. 

    Your One Degree Coaching

     (Private Intensive Weekend)

    Spend a weekend investing & focusing on you!  When you arrive on Friday we will create a coaching experience that you will never forget.  You will leave on Sunday with an absolute understanding of who The Lord created you to be and how to serve Him with your unique DESIGN.  

    My desire is for you to end the weekend feeling prepared and inspired to walk intentionally with Him in your calling–

    Your life’s most meaningful journey will be in view!

    Privated Intensive weekend offered twice a year

    A Few of My Clients…

    Can I add you to my list?

    Birkman® Assessment

    The Birkman® is an assessment tool that looks into your personality and helps you discover;

    • Your usual behaviors (how you get things done)
    • Your interests (what is life giving to you and fills your bucket back up)
    • Your hidden needs (how we prefer to be treated and our expectations of others)
    • Your stress behaviors (pinpointing the things in your life that cause you stress)

    Your well-being is directly affected by what you do in your life. If you can narrow down the interests and activities that provide fulfillment in this early stage of life, you will produce a heightened awareness about what makes you tick and be be given insight into your most rewarding life.

    The Birkman® gives:

    • Defined focus on the types of careers that will bring the most satisfaction to you.
    • Offers you greater self-awareness​ with a deeper and focused understanding of how you can solve the issues of life more effectively within your personality.
    • A chance to celebrate God’s unique design in your life and to live a more purposeful future.

    Investment: $649- Includes the Birkman® Assessment and two coaching sessions.

    The Milestone Team Workshop

    Teams that work well together are the ones that make ongoing efforts to better understand and communicate with one another.  

    High performing teams are the direct results of learning about self-awareness, self-leadership and improving their collaborative skills.

    How does that work?  After a simple conversation with no expectations, I will use my training to identify the needs of your organization and make recommendations for the best path forward for your team. 

    In a fun, comfortable atmosphere you will be provided with knowledge and expertise from The Birkman® Assessment for each of your employees.  After meeting with each team member one on one, we will meet as a team for two hours to help your team understand all that the Birkman® has to say about your team.  The second sessions will be scheduled two weeks later and we will build on what we’ve learned about the members.  We will use fun exercises to help them enjoy a new understanding of the interests, needs and stress behaviors of who makes up their team.

    • Are your team members leading themselves well?
    • Do you understand the diifferent individuals on your team?
    • Do you know your stress triggers and how to manage your stress behaviors?
    • Do you allow your team the opportunity to plan and think?

    Investment: $1,500 + ($500 per individual assessment for each staff member)

    Say what?

    Listen to what my clients have to say

    Clarity        Confidence        Courage

    Coaching helped me gain more of an understanding of who I am in God’s plan and gave me more clarity on why I am good at certain things and why I am not.

    I felt trapped in comparing myself or trying to be someone else, but now I am pursuing who I am called to be.

    I am confident in myself with God, with a new awakening of who I am and more. I knew some of these things, but coaching gave me even more confirmation.


    Tulsa, Oklahoma

    When I started coaching, I was very stuck. Hours of every day included escaping into Netflix. I felt overwhelmed much of the time. Now I can see with new eyes. I know what to say no to, and I’m saying yes to things that never seemed possible. I’ve realized that I am brave. I want to soak up every day and every opportunity to fill my life with purpose and satisfaction, knowing I am making a difference.

     The YOD Program has been an integral part of my resilience story! I thought I was prepared for the empty nest, but I was affected more profoundly than I ever could have imagined. Add health issues, relational conflict and financial stress, and you’ve got a good picture of my stormy sea. Had I not gone through the YOD Program, I picture myself “lost at sea” so to speak.

    The truth communicated in the YOD Program has been an anchor of stability for me and also equipped me to be a sound voice of hope and reason to those around me.”



    Coaching has given me the freedom to focus on the area God has equipped me for, with clarity of vision to know where to plug in the body of Christ. It’s allowed me to say healthy yes’ and healthy no’s.

    This experience has brought utter joy to my heart, as I have discovered the reason “why” behind the things that bring me life. I feel as though I have direction and focus on my part, to help in the body of Christ. I know the part of the puzzle I best fit into.

    What has changed for me is going from the, “I have to” to, “I get to”! Such freedom!!

    Julie’s questions and coaching made me dig deeper than I ever could have without it!!

